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Wednesday, 26 September 2012

hit list of taliban

The Pakistani Taliban say they are granting an “amnesty” to a Cabinet minister who is offering a $100,000 reward to anyone who kills the maker of an anti-Islam film.

The film has sparked violent protests across the Muslim world. Railways minister Ghulam Ahmad Bilour has already sought the Taliban’s and al-Qaida’s help in his “noble cause” of killing the filmmaker.

Pakistani Taliban spokesman Ahsanullah Ahsan told a foreign news agency by telephone on Wednesday that the minister’s views represent the true spirit of Islam. Consequently, the militants have removed him from their hit list.

But Ahsan clarified that others in Bilour’s secular party, which has opposed the Taliban, won’t enjoy the reprieve.

Pakistan’s government says Bilour’s bounty doesn’t represent official policy.

Bilour could not be reached immediately for comment.

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