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Friday, 28 September 2012

ant islam film maker

LOS ANGELES: Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the filmmaker behind the video that sparked protests across the Muslim world, was arrested Thursday, the Los Angeles district attorney's office said.
"I can confirm he's in custody, scheduled to make a court appearance as we speak, in federal court in downtown LA," Thom Mrozek of the United States Attorney's Office told AFP, giving no further details.
The exact nature of the court appearance is unclear, because the federal court documents have been sealed. Officials have been investigating whether he may have violated probation terms for a previous offense.
The alleged filmmaker was expected to make his appearance via video-conference, local media reported.
Nakoula -- allegedly the real identity behind the pseudonym Sam Bacile, the director of "Innocence of Muslims" -- was briefly taken into custody earlier this month for questioning by his probation officer.
He was traced to a home address in Cerritos, south of Los Angeles, after international protests erupted against the video, a 14-minute trailer for which was posted online.
In February 2009, a federal indictment accused Nakoula and others of fraudulently obtaining the identities and Social Security numbers of customers at several Wells Fargo branches in California and withdrawing $860 from them.

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