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Sunday, 20 January 2013

Kamran Faisal’s death: No FIR lodged yet

ISLAMABAD: It has been 48 hours since the mysterious death of Kamran Faisal, the NAB officer part of the team probing the Rental Power Plants (RPP) case, but no FIR has been lodged yet.
The initial report has citied that the cause of Kamran Faisal’s death was suicide, however his relatives claim that he was murdered and are seeking a judicial inquiry. Kamran’s relatives alleged that torture marks were found on his body, which have also been shown to the media. The report from the Poly Clinic in Islamabad counter’s this claim and states that no torture marks were found on the body.
AC Secretariat Noman Yusuf has been named the inquiry officer tasked with finding out the reason behind Kamran Faisal’s death. Yusuf will speak with Kamran’s friends, hostel staff, NAB officers and record their statements.
It has been reported that Kamran was under stress during the investigation of the RPP case and had requested to be removed from the probe.

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